and conducted at 101 Corona Ave, Groton, NY


Microsoft Teams Meeting
Join Court Session From Your Computer or Mobile App
Click Here to Join the Court Session

Or Call-In (audio only)
+1 347-378-4143,,733171533#
Phone Conference ID: 733171533#
Find a Local Number | Reset PIN
Learn More | Meeting Options

Please Note:
1. When you click on the link to join the Microsoft Teams Meeting,
you will be prompted to download an app on your smart phone or computer.
Please do so and then re-enter the virtual Court lobby using the above link.

2. When you join the meeting via the link, you will be placed in a lobby and the Court
will let you into the meeting at the appropriate time. If for some reason you leave the meeting
or the session times out, the Court will re-admit you to the meeting once you sign back on
and re-enter the lobby. There may a small delay in getting you back in the lobby.

3. When utilizing the Call-In feature, your microphone will automatically be muted.
You must unmute yourself in order for the Judge to hear you.>

4. It is recommended that you keep you microphone muted and video off
until you are requested to speak, so as to minimize distractions for all people.

5. All court sessions are audio recorded.
The video may also be recorded in necessary situations
or when the Court feels it may be helpful.

6. If you are having trouble joining the meeting, you can try calling the court.
However, due to limited staffing, your call may not be answered during court. If you cannot get through,
call the following business day during office hours to discuss the next step.



If you would like a possible reduction or consideration of the Vehicle and Traffic Law infraction(s)
pending against you in this Court:
You MUST appear virtually on the date and time stated on your ticket to appear.
You may refer to the Tompkins County District Attorneys website at:
and look for “traffic infractions all other courts” in the PDF format
Or You may write to:
Tompkins County District Attorney’s Office:
attn: Deputy District Attorney Andrew Bonavia, Esq.
320 North Tioga Street
Ithaca New York 14850